Pubg Games Company. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) is an online multiplayer battle royale game developed and published by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of South Korean video game company Bluehole. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Game lets you battle against PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG) is a battle royale game on Steam.
Pub Games Company Information on GameFAQs, with a list of all games developed or Bounty - Write a guide for a Most Wanted game, get cash. PUBG PC Download for Before some time, Tencent gaming company launched the PUBG lite version which is lighter and. Welcome to the Official BATTLEGROUNDS Wiki The Official PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS reference written and maintained by the players.
Game Companies - A list of.
PUBG Corporation is an online game developer based in Seoul, South Korea.
We are Pub Games, one of Australia's newest indie game development studios. It is the company behind PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), a multiplayer online battle royale game. We are Pub Games, a Melbourne-based independent video game developer!